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Foshan Boxspace Prefab House Technology Co., Ltd
Foshan Boxspace Prefab House Technology Co., Ltd
Quality Control
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Foshan Boxspace Prefab House Technology Co., Ltd Quality Control

China Foshan Boxspace Prefab House Technology Co., Ltd certifications


Number:No. 0P240402.FBPD041

Issue Date:2024-04-02

Expiry Date:2029-04-01

China Foshan Boxspace Prefab House Technology Co., Ltd certifications

Standard:MGO board Fire-proof certificate


Issue Date:2020-07-31

Expiry Date:2025-07-30

China Foshan Boxspace Prefab House Technology Co., Ltd certifications

Standard:Asbestos free certificate


Issue Date:2022-09-30

Expiry Date:2026-09-29

China Foshan Boxspace Prefab House Technology Co., Ltd certifications

Standard:CE (For door)


Issue Date:2023-06-19

Expiry Date:2028-06-18

China Foshan Boxspace Prefab House Technology Co., Ltd certifications

Standard:CE (For window)


Issue Date:2023-06-19

Expiry Date:2023-06-18

QC Profile

Our company adopts a "Double-Full-Inspection" strategy in quality control to ensure that each batch of our goods meets the appropriate standards.


Raw Material Stage: For every batch of raw material delivered to our factory, we measure the thickness of all steel rolls with a micrometer, including having the supplier provide test data on the galvanized content of the steel rolls in the corresponding batch. This ensures that the steel used in our products is of outstanding strength and rust resistance.


Pre-shipment stage: Before each batch of goods leaves the factory, our inspectors will conduct a random inspection of the goods for that order. The contents include: thickness of wall panels, thickness of container frames, whether there is any defect on the surface of steel, quantity count of ingredients and so on. We do our best to ensure the quality of each order.


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